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Поздравляем с окончанием сезона 2012-2013
Сезон закончен, мы заняли 3 место в Третьей Лиге ЛВЛ!

Было много разных эмоций, но в целом мы показали очень неплохой волейбол за этот год. 

Просмотров: 3777 | Добавил: chkos | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 6
6 Jessiebuh  
I thinks fitting coach you how to become fertile in on runescape!!! you will get fecund in using three of my authentic methods. My opening method is selling insulate bars, My subordinate method is selling dragon bones. My form method is selling unicorn horns/unicorn horn dust. I prospect you will prepare e dress productive of off of my mild steps!
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Not according with 1.*PRIMARY METHOD*
Selling unicorn horns is a unembellished, moderately mild procedure, to making money. You essential to be a associate and you requirement to experience a higher feud level than a unicorn. Primary activity is to quash unicorns. Deathblow as divers as you feel suitable. Decidedly you prepare your unicorn horns sell them at the Dignified Interchange!!! (Unicorn horns are significance 900gp)
http://www.cheaprunescapegold.com/buycheapRunescape/RS%203.html - rs 3 gold for sale
My right hand method is selling dragon bones. That sounds peaceful, but to get dragon bones you be obliged deaden dragons!!! Walk out with to wherever there is dragons. Her misery sufficiently to enter a maximum inventory of dragon bones. If you brought your Varrock tele-tab teleport to Varrock, else walk. Once you pocket to Varrock sell your dragon bones at the Outstanding Reciprocity!!! (Dragon bones are quality 1.8k)
http://www.cheaprunescapegold.com/buycheapRunescape/RS%203.html - buy rs 3 gold
My mould method is to some degree easy. Involves you selling stiffen bars. Do not tour because you do not have the required constant representing smithing grit one's teeth bars. This is what you do. Lead to the Highest Exchange and take 500(yes 500) coal ores. Then take 250 iron ores. Tackle in Al Kharid smelting whiteheads and smith all your ores. There is a bank unerringly next to the smelting spot. Once you have smithed all your ores carry back to the Ostentatious Trade and rep all your grit one's teeth bars!

5 leshka  
Макс, а ты рассчитывал на лавандовый гель? ))))

4 scherch  
Там еще ЧАСЫ. Просто людей, чтобы держать не хватало - все свалили с награждения. Команда - три человека. Абзац! )))

3 maxis07  
я не понимаю,почему ПИВО??
что больше нечего купить было на память?))

2 chkos  
Надеюсь увидеть жаркий песок этим летом.. )

1 sanebra  
Ура!! Надеюсь увидеть многих на жарком песке этим летом!!

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